The Age of Value
Stairs of natural stone in this Palo Alto landscape aren’t low cost, but are definitely high value.
We’re living in an interesting economy, when prices of just about everything seem to be spiraling and consumers are rightfully cautious in their spending.
But despite all the carping that “things have gotten sooo expensive,” Bay Area home owners planning improvements like landscaping also aren’t looking for the flat-out cheapest solutions.
We’re still willing to spend our money; we just insist on getting best-in-class results for it.
Welcome to the Age of Value.
Despite our economic woes, people are still paying really good money to hire really good landscape designers and landscape contractors—spending thousands of extra dollars to ensure a premium result.
This isn’t about hiring a “gardener” versus doing it yourself. It’s about hiring an award-winning landscape architect with deep and proven expertise. It’s about purchasing Luxor lighting controls and meticulously grown plants, instead of whatever’s on sale at the big-box store.
We aren’t the least expensive landscape architects out there.
And we’re definitely not the fastest.
So it’s understandable that we’re not the best fit for everybody.
But the folks who do call us, and ultimately hire us, know what they’re getting.
They know we’ll give them a unique and clear vision… attention to mundane details… plans that deliver more information… plants that are perfect for their site and different from everyone else’s.
We’ll help them reduce costs where they can, so they can splurge where they want. We’ll give them a design that helps them live their best life with friends and family outdoors.
In a word, we’ll give them value.
At this Morgan Hill residence we specified inexpensive gravel for the paths in order to splurge on the patio, furniture, and fountain.
It’s the same with landscape contractors: we work with some of the best in the business, and quality ain’t cheap.
We know the shock of finding out how much a “simple” plan actually costs. We’ve gasped upon learning that “just” prepping this little site is half the client’s budget.
And we know that someone else could do it cheaper.
Someone else can always do it cheaper.
But what value gets lost? The quality of construction? The attention to detail? The amount of contact and communication before, during, and after the job?
There’s always a tradeoff.
We’re grateful that our clients—hey, in This Economy, anyone—has money to spend on luxuries like landscaping.
We don’t take it for granted, and we’re not looking to take advantage. No one we know is; not even the highest-priced contractor.
We all take it as an honor that you would even consider entrusting us with your money.
And we’re going to do our damndest to reward you with some pretty high value in return.